Electrical Diagnostics
Our expert technicians address any kind of electrical issues, one of the most common, general and vague category of issues to happen in a BMW. From classic to vintage models, the history of electrical issues goes back to the faulty drainage system damaging the electrical system in certain Bimmer models.
Our skilled BMW technicians, know from their experience that nearly 20% of the issues in BMW are related to electrical system, hence prompt prediction of the root cause, diagnosing and correcting the issue become a simple yet critical time saving maneuver.
Addressing the plethora of inconvenient signs and symptoms described by the driver, our technicians gauge all related safe driving conditions and parameters. By isolating or grouping the issues, our technician performs differential diagnosis in order to find the origin of the issue. The most common electrical related issues occurring are door lock, window regulator, seat positioner malfunction, windshield wiper, and turn signal operation.
We service all models of BMW, classic, vintage and the latest launches as well. From identifying simple elements such as fuse box, found in the trunk of old models and glovebox of latest models does require novelty knowledge in the car model and year of make. Our technicians perform routine checks to avoid other common contributor of electrical issues i.e., malfunctioning wiring, due to heat and usage based wear and tear.
As the best and high-rated BMW service centre, the learning curve of our professional team, always on the lookout for a learning spree on all BMW models to offer comprehensive automotive service for our happy customers. Our team understands about learning latest technology is the only way to earn the trust of our customers, also to sustain as a trusted brand for BMW service.